Alabaster Museum of Sarral

A tour through the craftwork, science and techniques of natural stone, since 1917 (the first workshop) up to our days, in a fun and didactical way.


The Museum is divided into 5 rooms and a reception-shop:

  • Room 1 – Restoring, reproduction of the first alabaster workshop in 1917.
  • Room 2 –The evolution of alabaster.
  • Room 3 –Audio-visual room. Showing the process that alabaster follows, from its extraction from the stone to obtaining a quality object.
  • Room 4 –Alabaster today.
  • Room 5 –Artisan workshop.

The “TOUCH ALABASTER” workshop:  Guided visit of the Alabaster Museum and a workshop activity that includes a pieces to take away with you. Minimum of 4 people.


Guided visits in Sarral


More info

Museu de l’Alabastre de Sarral

Lundi-vendredi, 10h-13h | 16h-19h. Samedi matin, 10h-14h. Fermé le samedi après-midi, le dimanche et les jours fériés.

Groupes et atelier d’activité « Toca l’alabastre » avec visite organisée.

Avinguda de la Conca, 51, 43424 Sarral, Tarragona
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